Feb 10, 2016

What Future For Education?

It has been a month ago since i was being enrolled with an online class about future education. I fascinated to tell about education system and implementing. And today, i am reading much more information which is everyone told about education of their countries. There are so many perspective to recognize what the best education in the future. Here’s those.

First, someone said that the best learning is not about “where” but about “what for”. I totally agree with the statement because educational function is to improve and to empower children’s skill as suitable as they need. And, actually, perharps we know the aim of objective learning is to make us knowing why we are doing something. In Indonesia, Some public schools is doing program based on nature, technology, religion, or entrepreneurship as the main program. We can choose one as necessary. This perspective means exactly to involve the aim of learning than where is to do learning.

Second, we should know about “Exchanging Ideas through Group Discussion”. Eventhough, not all students could study in group optimally because they need a private or a privilage to encourage optimally their capabilities. I feel blessed the group made me knowing more about the diversity in ideas. Through group discussion carrying on very colaborative environment made us encouraging in interaction and collaborative with others. We have to know everyone has their own learning style. There is one with studying in alone room wil be more optimally result and one with arround people or noisy conditions is not even affected him to study. So, the idea is still possibly implemented group discussion in the learning process.

Third, there is issue about homeschooling. In homeschooling research, was founded that the academic and socialization outcomes for the average home schooled child are superior to those experienced by the average public school student. In Indonesia, mostly homeschooling is effectively used someone to improve special skills. Because the education system is implementing conventional class for each public school. Conventional class is being more effective and more eficient because need low budget and less teacher availablity. Indonesia, as developing countries, more need conventional public school to encourage many students in classroom. Definitely, The output of learning process is considered to count whether as effective system or not.

Fourth, It would be many courses to combine “Personal Education and Technology”.  So far, online learning is one of many effective learning to complete what we want to know. Technology is going to make personalized learning so much easier. Tools like Edx Course for example let students work at their own pace and explore topics they are interested in. I think in the future teachers will lecture much less but help students more set goals for themselves and introduce them to tools that they can use to design their own learning.

Finally, you can agrre or disagree with these some opinion. In my opinion, education have to focus on “learning to be”. According to UNESCO, Learning to be: to provide self analytical and social skills to enable individuals to develop to their fullest potential psycho-socially, affectively as well as physically, for a all-round complete person. Someone said that for Sub Sahara Africa, the are struggling with ethical thinking, performance character, and accountability as progressive purposes of learning to be. It has been issued in Indonesia for long times ago. Diversity in education is no matter to still make being the only one, Indonesia. Learning to be and learning to live together are key areas to promote global citizenship. I guess, commonly accepted values can be taught to foster cohesive societies consisting of individuals who are happy in their situation in life. In other side, it simply said learning to be is try to feel satisfied with your own life, being conscious that you are in contact with all human beings in the world and need to think locally, globally, individually, and collectivelly.

Learning is to find meaning of your own existance


Hana Bilqisthi said...

makasih udah sharing :D bermanfaat :D

Salsabila Mayang Sari said...

Sama-sama kak hana :)

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